The skillbar shortcode gives you an opportunity to show visitors to your site how qualified you and your staff members are. Add in a skill title, percentage of proficiency, and a color (hex value). It’s a quick and colorful way to share valuable information about you and your team.
Matthew Tucker is Quite Skilled
[symple_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]
[symple_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]
Check out some of my talents below. These are the things I do.
[symple_skillbar title=”Rain Dancing” percentage=”65″ color=”#88cd2a”]
[symple_skillbar title=”Whale Riding” percentage=”90″ color=”#f7a53b”]
[symple_skillbar title=”WordPress” percentage=”55″]
[symple_skillbar title=”BattleField 3″ percentage=”100″ color=”#fa6e6e”]